Our learning community is dedicated to developing globally-minded, compassionate, resilient, and courageous students to learn and lead change in their world.
Community funded/Basic Aid districts are being asked to implement Transitional Kindergarten without additional state funding. We urge to to contact your elected officials about this issue. Click the link above to see a letter template you can use.
“What is best for every Mill Valley School District student?” is at the center of our work and decisions. As members of our board team, we believe in a focus on academic excellence, transparency, and accountability to the stakeholders in our community, and an equitable and inclusive environment for everyone in the district.
If you currently do not receive communications from the District but are interested in specific topics, please use this form to request more information.
Mill Valley School District issued its first series of general obligation bonds (the "Series A Bonds") from their June 2022 $194 million bond authorization Measure G. The $22.6 million issuance will be used to renovate, upgrade and modernize school facilities, as well as finance preliminary costs for the new middle school to be completed by 2027.