- Mill Valley School District
- School Plans for Student Achievement
Pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 64001 and the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) schools that receive state and federal funds create school plans called the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). The SPSA is a blueprint to improve the academic performance of all students. The plan outlines programs and supports for students including the funding associated with the implementation of the plan.
If you have questions about the information contained in the SPSAs or would like additional information about the school, please contact the site principal.
- Edna Maguire Elementary School
- Mill Valley Middle School
- Old Mill Elementary School
- Park Elementary School
- Strawberry Point Elementary School
- Tam Valley Elementary School
- Edna Maguire Elementary School
- Mill Valley Middle School
- Old Mill Elementary School
- Park Elementary School
- Strawberry Point Elementary School
- Tam Valley Elementary School
- Edna Maguire Elementary School
- Mill Valley Middle School
- Old Mill Elementary School
- Park Elementary School
- Strawberry Point Elementary School
- Tam Valley Elementary School
- Edna Maguire Elementary School
- Mill Valley Middle School
- Old Mill Elementary School
- Park Elementary School
- Strawberry Point Elementary School
- Tam Valley Elementary School