
    News, Votes & Notes!

     Welcome to "News, Votes & Notes" – your shortcut to the latest school board meeting highlights! We've distilled the key discussions, decisions, and noteworthy moments into bite-sized summaries.


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Board Meeting Recordings & Information

  • Regular Board Meeting - January 2025

    YouthTruth Survey Informational Presentation
    On January 21, 2025, Director of Student Services Laura Myers presented key insights from the YouthTruth survey, which was administered to students, staff, and families in the fall of 2024. The survey provided valuable feedback that will play a crucial role in shaping future district programs and initiatives. As part of this process, the district will carefully analyze the survey data to inform program development and guide decisions related to the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). As this is the first time the survey has been administered in the district, the data will serve as a baseline for future years. This data-driven approach will help ensure the district’s priorities reflect the needs and perspectives of the school community. The presentation can be seen here.

    Budget Deficit Reduction Actions
    At the Board meeting on January 20, 2025, the Superintendent presented recommendations to reduce the district’s $7.3M deficit by $6M. The proposed cuts prioritize maintaining student-centered programs while reducing costs in areas farthest from the classroom.


    Key factors contributing to the deficit include increased staffing and services post-pandemic, declining K-8 enrollment, rising staff compensation, and the end of COVID-related funding. Additionally, the expansion of Transitional Kindergarten (TK) has further strained the budget.


    The Board approved the following reductions:

    • $1.35M in district office staffing, contracted services, and consultants
    • Reduction of unfunded TK grade level
    • Return of counseling services to pre-COVID levels
    • Elimination of RAMP positions


    These decisions, though difficult, aim to preserve small class sizes, maintain co-curricular opportunities, and support all learners through programs like the elementary Target Learning Lab (TLL). The focus remains on putting students first while ensuring fiscal responsibility.  The presentation can be seen here.

    Agenda Item Report: Recommended Reductions in Contracts, Consulting Services, and Budgets
    Staff presented an informational item to the Board regarding recommended reductions in contract and consulting services, as well as adjustments to budgets for supplies and services. Additionally, it was noted that staff will be surveyed to assess the utilization of certain classroom subscriptions, ensuring that these resources are widely used and aligned with district needs before making further reductions.

    Next Regular Board meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2025.


    Regular Board Meeting - December 2024

    Oath of Office
    Superintendent Kaufman administered the oath of office to Trustees Abdoli and Crncich Hodge, who will continue serving on the Board of Education for another four-year term after running uncontested for reelection in November. We are excited that our governance team will continue to benefit from their dedicated leadership of our district.

    Middle School Leadership teacher Sarah Petrini introduced a group of students—Henry Dahlman, Anya Esmail, Gabriella McCarthy, Shane Perlson, Lauren Platt, and Olivia Stemmler—who presented to the Board on the important and sensitive topic of bullying. In their presentation, the students discussed various types of bullying, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying, and shared their insights on how these behaviors affect students in the school community. The students also highlighted strategies for preventing bullying and promoting a more inclusive and respectful environment.

    As part of their initiative, the team had visited several of the district’s elementary schools, where they shared their experiences and raised awareness about bullying with fifth-grade students. The students' thoughtful approach helped younger peers understand the importance of kindness, empathy, and standing up against bullying. The presentation was not only a powerful learning opportunity for the elementary students but also a demonstration of the leadership skills of the middle school team. Their ability to engage with the Board in a thoughtful and impactful manner was impressive, and their commitment to fostering a positive school culture was evident throughout the presentation.


    Annual Organizational Meeting
    The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to elect Trustee Nakatani as President and Trustee Katz as Vice President for the upcoming governance year. This decision reflects the Board's confidence in both Trustees’ leadership abilities and their commitment to guiding the organization throughout the year ahead.

    In addition to the leadership elections, the Board also approved the official Board meeting calendar for the upcoming year, and finalized the allocation of individual trustees' liaison duties, assigning each trustee specific responsibilities within the district and county. These decisions collectively will strengthen the Board's overall effectiveness and ensure smooth operations throughout the year.

    Student Learning & School Programs
    Spring 2024 State and Local Assessment Data Presentation

    Director of Educational Services, Kate Sprague, delivered a presentation on the most recent CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) data, highlighting the impressive performance of Mill Valley students in comparison to their peers in other districts both within the county and across the state. The data demonstrated that Mill Valley students not only maintained a strong academic standing but also showed remarkable progress, outperforming many other districts in key areas of the assessments.

    One of the most significant points of the presentation was the recovery of test scores to pre-COVID levels, marking a substantial rebound after the disruptions caused by the pandemic. This achievement underscored the resilience of both students and educators, reflecting the effective strategies and support systems implemented by the district.  The presentation can be seen here.

    Business & Financial

    2024-2025 Budget Revision and First Interim Financial Reports
    Assistant Superintendent Paula Rigney presented the district's revised budget and first interim financial reports, highlighting a projected budget deficit in the district's multi-year financial outlook. She explained that, based on these projections, the district anticipates a nearly $7 million deficit by the end of the third year. Rigney outlined that, in order to receive a positive certification, the district must demonstrate its ability to meet financial obligations for the current year and the following two years, including meeting the state's minimum reserve requirement of 3% for economic uncertainty across all three years. She recommended that the Board approve the First Interim Financial Report and noted that the district would be submitting a qualified certification budget to the County Office of Education. The full presentation is available here.

    Next Regular Board meeting is scheduled for January 16, 2024

    Regular Board Meeting - November 14, 2024

    2025-2026 District Enrollment Planning and School Capacity Updates
    Superintendent Kaufman and Director of Educational Services Kate Sprague provided the Board with an updated overview of the planned enrollment processes for the 2025-2026 school year. They also reported on how school capacities would be calculated. It was noted that the demographer’s report is still pending, but once available, it will assist with future enrollment predictions and potential adjustments to neighborhood school boundaries. Superintendent Kaufman further reiterated that the district will prioritize the placement of siblings and children of district employees, while continuing to assign students to preferred schools based on proximity, as spaces allow.  Depending on enrollment and parent preference, the District is planning three K classes at Edna Maguire and Tam Valley, and two K classes at Old Mill, Park and Strawberry Point for the 2025-2026 school year. Depending on capacity and demand, the District will also evaluate the addition of a third first grade class at Tam Valley in Spring 2025.


    Receipt and Acknowledgment of Mill Valley Teachers' Association Re-Openers for 2025-26 Negotiations 

    Representatives from the Mill Valley Teachers’ Association presented the Board with their proposed re-openers for the 2024-2025 school year negotiations. The articles they requested to be reopened include Article 10 (Hours of Employment), Article 14 (Professional Standards), Article 19 (Leaves), and Article 21 (Compensation). A public hearing was held, but no public comments were received. The letter can be seen here.


    Property Tax Calculation and Assessment report

    Assistant Superintendent Paula Rigney presented the Board with an informational report on the system and timing of property tax collection, as well as its distribution to the schools. She also informed the Board about the Marin County Office of Education's Tax Anticipation Note (TAN), which allows districts to borrow money against anticipated tax revenues before they are actually received.


    Fiscal Reserve Policy Report

    Assistant Superintendent Paula Rigney presented the findings of the Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) regarding the proposed minimum reserve policy (BP 3100).  She reported that the BAC had carefully reviewed the district budget, including looking at types of school finding, historical trends and patterns, per pupil spending, and the importance of fiscal reserves in districts that are community funded.  The presentation also provided comparisons with other districts throughout the county and state, the state legislature analyst office’s recommendation for elementary districts, and provided the BAC recommendation of a targeted reserve between 25-35% of expenditures.  The presentation can be seen here.

    Regular Board Meeting - October 10, 2024


    Student Learning and School Programs
    The Board approved Resolution Sufficiency of Textbooks and Instructional materials declaring that the district does have sufficient materials for the 2024-2025 year.


    Superintendent Kaufman noted that the district has recently adopted a new CKLA English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for grades K-5. She highlighted that all instructional materials and textbooks associated with this curriculum have now been distributed and are fully implemented in the classrooms.   



    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo, along with construction partners from AECOM and JKAE, gave a presented exhibits showing the scope of work at each site, specifically focussing on the outdoor learning environments.  Trustees voted to approve the presented designs. The full presentation can be seen here.


    Business and Financial

    Assistant Superintendent Paula Rigney presented the Unaudited Actuals Financial Report to the Board.  The Unaudited Actuals are an annual report reflecting the financial activities of the Mill Valley School District in which the data are not yet audited.  The full presentation can be seen here.


    Board Operations

      • Courtney Jones of Jones Hall and Greg Isom of Isom Advisors presented Resolution 06-24/25: Issuance and Sale of General Obligation Bond to the Board for approval (slides can be seen here).

      • Assistant Superintendent Paula Rigney presented Resolution 04-24/25 Proposition 2: K-12 School Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair and Safety Bond Act for approval.

      • Superintendent Kaufman presented updated Board policies relating to Title IX to the Board for first reading and approval. 


    Regular Board Meeting - September 11, 2024

    Student Learning and School Programs
    The Board approved Resolution Sufficiency of Textbooks and Instructional materials declaring that the district does have sufficient materials for the 2024-2025 year. Superintendent Kaufman noted that the district has recently adopted a new CKLA English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for grades K-5. She highlighted that all instructional materials and textbooks associated with this curriculum have now been distributed and are fully implemented in the classrooms.  


    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo, along with construction partners from AECOM and JKAE, gave a presented exhibits showing the scope of work at each site, specifically focusing on the outdoor learning environments.  Trustees voted to approve the presented designs. The full presentation can be seen here.

    Business and Financial

    Assistant Superintendent Paula Rigney presented the Unaudited Actuals Financial Report to the Board.  The Unaudited Actuals are an annual report reflecting the financial activities of the Mill Valley School District in which the data are not yet audited.  The full presentation can be seen here.

    September 11, 2024 Slidedeck

    Special Board Meeting - August 16, 2024

    August 16, 2025 - Slidedeck

    Regular Board Meeting - August 8, 2024

    August 8, 2024 Slidedeck

    Regular Board Meeting - July 18, 2024

    July 18, 2024 Slidedeck

    Regular Board Meeting - June 12, 2024

    June 12, 2024 Slidedeck


    Regular Board Meeting - June 6, 2024

    June 6, 2024 Slidedeck

    May 22, 2024 Slidedeck


    Special Board Meeting - Study Session - April 26, 2024




    Regular Board Meeting - April 25, 2024

    March 7, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting



    The Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees meeting on March 7, 2024, saw a range of important topics discussed and decisions made, reflecting our ongoing commitment to educational excellence and community engagement. Here are a few highlights:


    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    • Staff and DEI committee members presented a report on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives within the district. They also shed light on the findings of the Students Organizing About Racism (SOAR) initiative survey and the ongoing equity audit of curriculum and classrooms at MVMS. 
    • Additionally, the District reiterated its commitment to advancing DEI efforts, including education on anti-semitism and Holocaust & genocide education as a part of MVSD’s greater mission to ensure DEI is embedded in all of our educational and anti-bias initiatives. (You can view the slide deck here)


    • District staff shared the draft goals for the District’s new Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) where they emphasized its priorities of ensuring access, closing opportunity gaps, and fostering transparent communication with stakeholders. (You can view the slide deck here)


    Facilities Updates

    • The Facilities team presented site and conceptual design options for modernization projects at MVMS, as well as the timeline and projects planned for our elementary schools. After a thorough discussion, the Board approved the site location and conceptual designs, marking significant progress in the ongoing efforts to enhance school facilities. (You can view the slide deck here)


    Business and Financial

    • District staff presented, and the Board approved, budget revisions and the second interim financial reports for 2023-24.

Special Board Meeting - February 27, 2024



    February 27, 2024 - Slidedeck



    Regular Board Meeting - February 8, 2024

    Student Learning & School Programs

    2023-2024 Midyear LCAP Update:
    The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a tool from the California
    Department of Education for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet
    those goals to improve student outcomes (our what, why, and how).

    At our February meeting, a midyear update was provided by Kate Sprague on progress against our current LCAP to
    reflect on progress made with educational and districtwide goals of Balanced Learners, Supported Staff, Communications & Parent/Family Engagement, and Sound Finance & Infrastructure. All of our established actions are currently in Progress or Completed, and a significant amount of progress has been made, with some highlights being: Social Emotional Learning, Targeted Academic Support, our DEI efforts, maintaining strong reserves and the District’s AAA bond rating, and moving forward on Measure G projects in-line with our Facility Master Plan. As we look ahead to the creation of our new three-year LCAP, we are seeking participation from across our community to help shape the direction, reflect on the impact on education, and determine how we use our budget to support the direction of the District. Tying in our recently updated District priorities, the goals for our new LCAP will be:

    1. Access to Excellent Educational Opportunities for All Learners
    2. Close Opportunity Gap - MTSS for Acceleration and Extension
    3. Communications and Community Engagement
    4. Ensure Transparency in Budget Development and Facilities Planning, and Maintain Sound Finance and

    ELA Adoption Timeline:
    Laura Myers shared an update regarding our English Language Arts curriculum adoption timeline. As we’ve moved to a structured literacy approach, the District is piloting three separate elementary-level ELA curricula this year, and is currently on the verge of completing the second curriculum and moving onto the third. The plan is to have the committee of staff and administrators provide a recommendation for their preferred curriculum to adopt for the 24-25 school year, to be shared at the May 22 Board meeting and voted on at the June 6 Board meeting.

    PD Survey:
    Kate Sprague shared the feedback collected from teachers on how the January 8th Professional
    Development Day went. There was a high response rate to the survey provided, and a focus of the feedback was that
    dedicated time focused on articulation across and between grade levels was highly beneficial. This kind of time
    dedicated to collaboration helps our teachers better provide for an equitable educational experience across the
    district, and also helps to support students as they move up through elementary school and into middle school. Our
    staff also shared that they feel supported by the additional learning opportunities they were able to participate in to
    best support their respective teaching needs.


    Facilities & Measure G

    Exploration of the use of District Property Adjacent to MVMS as possible site for MVMS rebuild: At the February 1
    special meeting, the Board provided direction to staff to move forward with the exploration of leveraging Friends Field as a potential site for the new MVMS building, in addition to consideration of leveraging the current site of MVMS. No decision has been made, but given the District owns the property, the Board agreed it was our fiduciary responsibility examine this option. At the February 8 meeting, the same presentation was shared, and additional questions were asked by the trustees, including many questions and concerns raised by the community.

    The focus of the District’s research that will help inform a decision at our March 7th Board meeting will use four criteria: educational value to students, cost, timeline, and community input & impact. The District will be leveraging our experts, as well as have an intent focus on gathering a community voice. A Community Forum was held on February 13 to gather more feedback and answer questions. A special meeting will be held later in February to share input from the steering committee and community engagement and for the Board to conduct further deliberation.

    Mill Valley Middle School Conceptual Design Options: Three preliminary conceptual designs for Mill Valley Middle School (MVMS) were shared, including two on the current footprint of the middle school, and one on Friends Field. The steering committee had their most recent meeting on February 13, following our last Board meeting, where they would be providing feedback on the various options with a focus on what they would be looking for in terms of the spaces and how they would leverage classrooms for educational purposes.

    Middle School Budget: Preliminary cost estimates for the Mill Valley Middle School (MVMS) reconstruction were
    presented for Board review. Based on Measure G Priority 1 projects, the estimates included interim housing, site work, potential mitigation, construction of the main buildings, and additional potential alternatives, should funding allow. The Board voted to move forward with the design of a $130MM middle school project, which will include approximately $20MM in state funding.

    AECOM also shared a detailed explanation of soft costs vs. hard costs, as well as a breakdown of why soft costs on a
    public school construction projects are so high (targeted around 25-50%). Different from regular construction
    projects, not only does school construction include architects and engineers, but also includes things like agency &
    permit fees for the various agencies involved in oversight and approval, geotechnical services, traffic consultants,
    CEQA consultants, and a full-time inspector are required on-site during construction, just to name a few.

    Board Operations

    CBOC Appointments: In November 2023, two members of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) resigned
    their positions, leaving two empty seats. Following interviews conducted by staff and trustees, Michael Fleishman
    (Edna and MVMS parent) and Gabe Burczyk (Tam Valley parent) have been appointed as the new members to the
    seven-member committee.

    Parent Advisory Committee for LCAP: To assist the District in the development of our new LCAP, the Board voted in
    support of establishing a Parent Advisory Committee to ensure that the district addresses all of its students' needs in
    meeting the state’s eight priority areas: basic services, implementation of state standards, course access, student
    achievement, other student outcomes, student engagement, parent involvement, and school climate.


    February 8, 2024 - Slidedeck



    Special Board Meeting - February 1, 2024


    February 1, 2024 - Slidedeck



    Board Meeting - January 11, 2024

    The Board met in the Mill Valley Middle School library and opened Closed Session at 4:30 p.m. It was reported by Board President Sharon Nakatani, that Closed Session resulted in the denial of the appeal of an interdistrict transfer request and that the Board approved, by unanimous vote, a settlement that includes a $45,000 reimbursement.

    Communications to the Board

    California School Employees Association (CSEA)

    Representatives Pat Baron and Yiming Lu, expressed their appreciation to the district’s custodial, maintenance, and Technical staff for all their hard work and efforts over the Winter Break.

    Recognition was also given to outgoing CSEA Executive Board members Sandy Agajan and Dietrich Carver for their outstanding dedication and service. 

    CSEA shared the names of their new Executive Board and expressed that they are looking forward to working with the District in anticipation of the negotiations that are to begin in the spring. The new Executive Board will be:

    • Chapter President - Patrick Baron
    • Chapter Vice President - Yiming Lu
    • Chapter Secretary - Katherine Hale
    • Chapter Treasurer - Kathleen Wiltshire

    Mill Valley Teachers Association (MVTA)

    Representatives Erin Frazier and Julie Bremmer shared that Monday’s Professional Development Day was successful and that it was great to see that Classified partners were invited and present. MVTA is looking forward to reviewing the feedback with administrators to help form future Professional Development days.

    MVTA invited Board members into their classrooms and encouraged regular communications with their buddy school site representatives, who are often the voice of MVTA members:

    • Edna Maguire - Bethany Womack
    • Old Mill - Erica Dowell
    • Strawberry Point - Danny Gasperini and Lulu Monti
    • Tam Valley - Mary Scriver and Cathy Cohen
    • Park - Stacey Gibson and Allison Ponce de Leon
    • MVMS - Danielle Dabbah, Rachel Hudson, and member at large Juliet Mohit

    Student Learning & School Programs

    Superintendent Kaufman announced that the district is currently working on the mandatory Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) required by the state. The district intends to engage with the community to share details about the plan and its timeline. The collaborative effort between the district and the community will define the goals and reasons for the three-year plan, ensuring focus and progress toward continuous improvement.

    The California Dashboard Report illustrates if students are meeting expectations. Mill Valley School District has seen a decline in the overall summative English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC), indicating a lack of progress for our English learners. The reports indicate that there is a lack of progress in proficiency and an increase in chronic absenteeism.

    The result of this information is that Mill Valley School District is now eligible for Differentiated Assistance from the Marin County Office of Education. The goal is to work collaboratively to determine the root causes of this decline.


    Ninyo & Moore, the latest addition to our Measure G team, was introduced to the Board. They presented the company's background, history, and expertise in conducting assessments and producing environmental service reports. Project manager Ryan Bast then briefed the Board on the results of the conducted soil tests and provided recommendations for future planning.

    The Board also heard from Lionakis’ architect Laura Knauss, and Flint’s Mark Mennucci, who provided the first conceptual designs for the new middle school as well as the cost estimates for the project.

    The Board agreed to move forward with the staff recommendations, including pursuing possible state funding.

    Business and Financial

    Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Michele Rollins was joined by Habbas Nassar, an independent auditor from Stephen Roatch Accountancy Corporation, to present the 2022 - 2023 Independent Audit Report to the Board. This annual audit of the district’s financial records and accounts is submitted to the Marin County Superintendent of Schools, the California Department of Education, and the Federal Clearinghouse. The complete audit report can be found on the district’s Budget Information page.

    Future Board Items

    Superintendent Kaufman and the Board of Trustees designated the items below for future board agenda items:

    • Final MVMS Design & Cost Estimates
    • Final MVMS Interim Housing & Cost Estimates
    • Strategic Planning Discussion
    • Portrait of a Graduate
    • Targeted Learning Labs (TLL) Cycle 2
    • Mid-Year LCAP Update
    • Annual School Safety Plan Report

    Board Reports

    Trustee Katz conveyed her gratitude to Edna's PTA and all the organizers for initiating the United in Peace event - whose purpose was to unite the community for a moment of lightness in the current darkness.

    Trustee Katz also commended both Kiddo and the Mill Valley School District's exceptional Music team for their outstanding performances. The noticeable and rapid growth of the students was acknowledged and appreciated.


    Trustee Yoo shared that she attended the JLAC meeting and expressed her continuous engagement and fascination with the content.



    December 11, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    November 2, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting



    October 12, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    September 13, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    September 11, 2023 - Special Board Meeting, Governance Workshop

    August 10, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    August 3, 2023 - Special Board Meeting



    June 23, 2023 - Special Board Meeting


    June 15, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    June 7, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting 

    May 24, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    Recognition & Presentation

    This month’s Student Recognition highlighted the collaboration between Park Elementary School and Tamalpais High School through the WISE Mentoring program. 

    Park School Principal Aubrey O’Conner partnered with school counselor Brandon Mohan to introduce Park School students, Mikayla Caballero, Isabella Jordan-Friedman, Lingxi Zhang, and Ava Malik Rich. All students shared their views, opinions, and successes through their participation in the WISE Mentoring program and their encouragement to see the program continue to grow.

    Our Parkies were joined by Tam High School student and mentor, Emily Connor, who is in her second year in the WISE program and expressed how cool it is to watch her mentees grow out of shyness and to see their skills develop. 

    For all other Agenda items, please refer to the video.

    May 17, 2023 - Special Board Meeting - Study Session

    May 10, 2023 - Special Board Meeting - Budget Workshop


    May 7, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    April 27, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

    Recognition & Presentation

    The Board of Trustees honored the Compost Crew at Tamalpais Valley Elementary School this month. 

    Simone Silverstein spoke on behalf of the large team to explain to the Board how the Compost Crew started. After seeing Ms. Betsy sorting in a compost bin, a group of students, led by Ms. Boeri, decided that they would lead the charge to educate the students of Tam Valley on how to compost.

    Nathan Secore, Garden Guru, further explained that members of the Compost Crew stand by with buckets after lunch to help students learn which items can be composted. After gathering all of the compostable materials from lunch, Nathan takes these buckets to the garden’s compost pile. 

    This impressive group is made up of first, second, and fourth-grade students who are committed to making a change. Thank you, Reilly Albani-Biggs, Brooke Albin, Erik Baek Lanng, Lucas Bernal, Ella Brill, Will Deuyour,  Grace McConnell, Matthew Moeck, Eve O'Connell, Arthur Reis De Castro, Edie Robilliard, Anika Scott-Dawkins, Nathan Secore, Simon Silverstein, Alexis Spencer, Matilda Thomas, and Henry Toscano, for leading the way!

    For all other Agenda items, please refer to the video.

    April 7, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    April 3, 2023 - Special Board Meeting (Part 2 of 2)

    April 3, 2023 - Special Board Meeting (Part 1 of 2)



    March 30, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    March 27, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    March 14, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    March 9, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting


    Recognition & Presentation


    EM group

    This month’s Student Recognition honored students at Edna Maguire.

    Principal McCord was joined by three students invited to share their views on issues that directly affected them.

    Don Sparks, Magnolia Muse, and Umair Nana addressed inclusivity, Black History, and the importance of sharing, recognizing, and appreciating all cultures.


    For all other Agenda items, please refer to the video.


    February 9, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting


    A message from Board of Trustees President Michele Crncich Hodge

    Recognition & Presentation


    Student Recognition
    This month the Board was joined by the Student Council leaders of Old Mill Elementary School:
    Ella Natenshon (President)
    Alice Natenshon (VP)
    Maja Bockh (Secretary)
    Gracie Ryan (Publicity Director)
    Charles Sarrat (Sports Director)
    Willa Lenehan (Green Team)

    For this month’s Student Recognition, we were joined by the Student Council members from Old Mill Elementary School.

    These bright leaders shared their experiences and goals with the Board. One of the items highlighted by this team was the importance of continuing whole school decisions. This is where the whole school can vote and participate in topics and decisions that affect Old Mill, such as the new Play Structure. 

    Future goals from this group included more spirit days, a return of Pop Club, and educating their school community on the importance of sorting trash and compost. 

    For all other Agenda items, please refer to the video.

    January 23, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    January 23, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    January 12, 2023 - Regular Board Meeting

     Strawberry Point Green Team


    Strawberry Point Green Team students, Allie Andresen, Nicholas Drakulich, and Oceanna Stewart shared their motivations, goals, and achievements while participating in Strawberry Point's Green Team. The students shared Strawberry’s  progress toward Zero Waste initiatives. 






    California Distinguished Schools Award

    Superintendent Berman announced and recognized three Mill Valley schools that were honored with a 2023 Distinguished Schools. Dr. Berman and Trustees congratulated Edna Maguire, Strawberry Point, and, Tamalpais Valley for earning this prestigious award that recognizes schools for their excellence.

    January 11, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    January 6, 2023 - Special Board Meeting

    December 12, 2022 - Regular Board Meeting


    Outgoing Board Member & Community Financial Advisory Committee  

    Superintendent Dr. Berman, staff and the Board of Trustees recognized and honored the retiring Community Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC) Chair Jon Curtis for his ten years of service to the committee and also honored outgoing Board Trustees Todd May, Marco Pardi, and Emily Uhlhorn for a combined 22 years of dedicated service to the Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees.


    Annual Organizational Meeting 


    At this meeting, Dr. Berman administered the Oath of Office to incoming Trustees Katz, Nakatani, and Yoo. The new Board then voted to appoint Dr. Michele Crncich Hodge as the new President and Sharon Nakatani as the Vice President/Clerk.  


    Other Board liaison assignments were:

    • Enda Maguire - Trustee Katz

    • Mill Valley Middle - Trustee Nakatani

    • Old Mill - Trustee Katz

    • Park - Trustee Crncich Hodge

    • Strawberry Point - Trustee Abdoli

    • Tam Valley - Trustee Yoo

    • It Takes a Village - Trustees Katz & Yoo

    • City of Mill Valley - Trustees Nakatani & Yoo

    • Kiddo! Board - Trustees Abdoli, Crncich Hodge & Katz (to be approved by Kiddo! board)

    • Marin Joint Legislative Advisory Committee (JLAC) - Trustees Abdoli & Yoo

    • Community Financial Advisory Committee (CFAC) - Trustees Katz & Yoo

    • PTA Council - Trustees Abdoli & Katz

    • E2 Collaborative - Trustees Crncich Hodge & Nakatani

    • District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) - Trustees Crncich Hodge & Yoo


    Mill Valley Teachers' Association presented its proposal to the Governing Board for the 2023-24 re-openers for negotiations with the District.  

    Mill Valley School District also presented its re-openers for negotiation with both the Mill Valley Teachers' Association and the California School Employees

    Association. The presentation of negotiation proposals is a required and customary component of the collective bargaining process. 


    Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michele Rollins presented the 2022-23 Budget Revision and the First Interim Financial Reports.

    Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyo provided an update to the Board on the next steps to implement the Measure G Bond program.


    Following the recent conclusion of the construction management proposal review and interview process, the Evaluation Committee recommended that the Board approve AECOM as the selected management firm for the District’s Projects. Upon approval, the District’s legal counsel will proceed to negotiate a Master Agreement and Project Assignment(s) with AECOM. 


    November 2, 2022 - Regular Board Meeting



    Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Appointment 

    The Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees approved the appointment of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. Members include:

    • Jessica Newman

    • Roger Peters

    • Tyler Will

    • Susanne Podell

    • Melissa Yakel McClatchy

    • Shen Chiou

    • John Moriarty

    Three alternates, based on their expert knowledge and experience, were also identified:

    • Chris Bailey

    • Eunice Hong

    • Joy Koo


    Annual Organizational Meeting Confirmation

    At this meeting, the Board approved December 12 as the organizational meeting for this year. In December, the board will discuss and approve meeting dates of board meetings for next year. Trustee and committee assignments will also be assigned in December. 

    Letter of Intent between District and Developer for the Acquisition of District Workforce Housing

    A Letter of Intent between the District and Developer Blithedale Terrace, LLC, for the acquisition of affordable housing units for use as District Workforce Housing was approved. 

    The developer is proposing to build approximately 25 housing units in the City of Mill Valley located at 675 Blithedale Avenue. Six of these units are designated as “affordable housing units”.  In recognition of the fact that affordable housing is in short supply in the community and consistent with the desire of the District to attract and retain employees who would not otherwise be able to afford to live in the community, the Board of Trustees approved a letter of intent to acquire the affordable housing units to use for workforce housing.


    This letter represents the first step in the acquisition process which will include negotiating an option agreement and ultimately a purchase and sale agreement for the units.

    The Nov. 8 City of Mill Valley Planning Commission hearing for the 575 Blithedale project has been rescheduled to Nov. 17. 


    October 13, 2022


    Student Recognition
    The focus for this month was on those students who stand out for their commitment to Community Service. Their contributions include participation in education in rural China, local families in need, and environmental change. Duke Eckhardt, Catherine Zhao, and Lea Smith keep up the good work. You do make a difference!


    Superintendent Berman took this opportunity to remind the Board and the community about upcoming dates. These district-wide reminders include next Thursday's DELAC meeting, the Staff development day on November 1, 2022 (non-student day), and the annual State of the Students Address and Celebration, preceded by the next Board meeting on November 3, 2022.


    California School Dashboard Local Indicators
    Director of Educational Technology Kate Sprague reported on MVSD's California School Dashboard which provides information on the performance of schools on a set of state and local measures which is designed to assist in identifying strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement. 


    Board Policy and Regulation 5141.21 Update
    Director of Special Education and Student Health Erin Conklin gave a presentation about the use of naloxone hydrochloride as an emergency medical aid to any person suffering from an opioid overdose, and the necessity to update Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5141.21 to reflect that the district will authorize the use of the nasal spray version.  The language inserted into the policy comes directly from the California School Board Association's sample manual.  This item was for information and a first read only and will be brought back to the board at the next meeting for approval.  The board did not recommend any further edits. 

    Resolution 07-22/23 Support of Workforce Housing in the District Boundaries
    Resolution 07-22/23 Support of Workforce Housing in the District Boundaries was unanimously approved by the Board with comments of support from the Mill Valley Teachers Association and a member of the public. 

    Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee (CBOC) Appointment Discussion
    One of the next required steps, in proceeding with Measure G, is establishing a Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee. The purpose of this committee is to provide oversight of Measure G, to ensure that the money collected through Measure G is spent wisely and is in compliance with the intent of the measure. The Committee will meet quarterly. If you are interested in participating in this process, please complete this application by noon on Friday, October 21, 2022.

    Request of Qualifications and Proposals RFP#2022-03 Construction Manager Services

    The Board took advantage of this time with Jessica Ehrlich, of Fagen, Friedman & Fulfrost LLP, to review, understand, and gain more knowledge surrounding Measure G and the RFP process. The RFP for Construction Manager is published on our website and is currently accepting applications. 

    September 15, 2022 


    Student Recognition
    Mill Valley School District students were invited to complete the Summer Learning Challenge and submit their completed calendars in acknowledgment of their dedication and achievement.  The following students completed independent reading and iReady modules, and shared with the Board some of the strategies they used, and the benefits they gained from working to keep their skills sharp during the summer break.

    • Victoria Berman, 4th Grader at Old Mill

    • Hazel Foster, 1st Grader at Edna Maguire                              

    • Thomas Gougion, 5th Grader at Tam Valley


    Superintendent Berman and the Board recognized these students for their efforts and enjoyed hearing about their experiences.  iReady representative, Jen Brooks, attended the meeting and also honored the students for their hard work and dedication.


    Recognition of the passage of Measure G

    The members of the Measure G committee were recognized for their hard work on the successful election campaign.  


    The Board then unanimously passed two resolutions, one certifying the General Bond Election and the second establishing the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee.


    California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)

    Director of Educational Technology, Kate Sprague, presented the Board with the most recent CAASPP data, compared to previous years. It was noted that CAASPP testing has not been available for the last two years.

    Educator Effectiveness Funds (EEF)

    Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Laura Myers, provided a presentation of the planned disbursement of the Educator Effectiveness Funds.


    The California School Board Association (CSBA) updates board policies and regulations on a quarterly basis.  Since the global adoption of a new board policy manual in June, the first batch of updated policies was presented to the Board for their first reading. The second reading will be posted at the next Board meeting for adoption. 


    Unaudited Actuals Financial Reporting 2021-22

    Assistant Superintendent, Michele Rollins presented this report, highlighting that MVSD will remain a Basic Aid district for two more years and that per-student spending has increased from approximately $18,000 to approximately $21,000. 


    The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for October 13, 2022, at 4:30 pm.


    2021-22 School Year

    Weekly Family Newsletters can also be accessed here  

    June 16, 2022



    Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK)
    Laura Myers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, gave a presentation on the creation and implementation of UPK programs at MVSD. This report covered a legislative overview,  key components of the program, a planning timeline, and projected class sizes. This presentation showed information from an accompanying draft plan, which is in compliance with the California Department of Education (CDE) requirement that a plan be presented in a public meeting before June 30, 2022.



    Global Adoption of District Policies
    This item was presented to the Board at the June 8th meeting, and it was agreed that this item should be returned for a second reading at the June 16th meeting.  The Board voted in favor of Superintendent Berman's recommendation to approve the adoption, with the retention of AR 5117, which had recently been updated.  The Board thanked staff for their work on the project. 

    Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) & Budget Overview for Parents
    The LCAP was presented in detail to the Board at the May 25th meeting, and a public hearing was held on June 8th.   The Board voted to approve the LCAP and Budget Overview for Parents with no further questions.



    Proposed Budget 2022-23
    Assistant Superintendent Rollins presented the draft budget at the June 8th meeting, and a public hearing was held.  There were no further questions from the Board who voted to approve the 2022-23 budget.



    Amendment and Extension to Mill Valley School District Agreements - Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent of Business Services
    Annually, the Board of Trustees address the terms of the current Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent contracts. Based on satisfactory evaluation determined on May 25, 2022, these agreements will extend the contracts by one year to be in effect from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2026.  The Board voted 4-0 to extend the contracts of both Dr. Berman and Dr. Rollins  through June 30, 2026.

    The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for August 11th, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.


    June 8, 2022


    The District Office received feedback from stakeholders requesting the release of the board meeting videos sooner than the Wednesday after a meeting.  We understand your request and wish to share a little of our current in-house process and publication timelines.

    Normally, the video recording is saved to a Zoom cloud , and once it has gone through their processes, it is then emailed as a file the day after the meeting; times are dependent on file size.  Once received here, the video is uploaded into YouTube, trimmed and/or spliced, if in multiple files. Once this is done, we submit it for subtitling for ADA compliance.  These steps are often time consuming, and usually are not complete until Monday or Tuesday following a Thursday meeting.  Based on this knowledge, the work flow of the office post board meetings, and to ensure a reliable and consistent delivery, it was decided that the Wednesday posting of all "Board Meeting Highlights" newsletters was reliable.   We hope this helps with understanding the District Office's efforts to ensure the videos are available and accessible to all members of our public within a reasonable timeframe.


    Superintendent Berman and Director of Human Resources Dagmar Derickson recognized MVSD retirees, each of whom will have a book purchased in their name, which will be dedicated to them, and placed in one of our school libraries.

    The staff retiring and the books selected were:

    • Carrie Morgan, Classroom Teacher (3rd) There's Only One You by Deborah Hembrook, Kathryn Heling
    • Shannon Green, French Teacher - Paper Girl of Paris by Jordyn Taylor
    • Carolyn Vaughan, Special Education Therapist - Quiet Power by Susan Cain
    • Lynn Frazier, Administrative Assistant - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst
    • Martha Lewis, Library Instructional Assistant - Yusra Swims by Julie Abery
    • Shari Graham, Classroom Teacher (1st) - What Does It Mean to be Kind? By Rana DiOrio
    • Leigh Ann Townsend, Library Instructional Assistant - Saving Sorya: Chang and the Sun Bear by Jeet Zdung & Trang Nguyen
    • Lisa Yee, RAMP - Little Red Writing by Joan Holub
    • Cynthia Leung, Instructional Assistant - The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds
    • Griselda Monserrat, Kindergarten Instructional Assistant - The Suitcase by Chris Naylor-Ballesteros
    • Beth Fogel, Executive Assistant to Superintendent - Ticket Around the World by Natalia Diaz, Melissa Owens

    The Board thanked the staff for their service to the students of Mill Valley.  Watch here.


    School Schedule
    At the April 21st meeting, it was announced that the elementary schools would start 2022-23 with a universal schedule.  At the May 25th meeting, the Board reported that they had received numerous requests from parents to extend the school day, and the Board requested that District staff gather data from stakeholders regarding their preference to the length of the school day.   Dr. Berman presented the information on the process for determining the school day and shared findings that had been gathered via a short survey.    

    • The survey was sent on Monday, June 6th and closed on June 8th.
    • 2919 parents were surveyed (including incoming TK and Kinder)
    • 1224 responded (a return rate of 42%).  
      • 23.12% chose A (Elementary - 8:15-2:35 S & 1:45 W; MS - 8:35-3:05 & 2:00 W); 
      • 76.06% chose B (Elementary - 8:15-2:55 & 2:05 W; MS - 8:35-3:15 & 2:25 W).  
    • 332 staff members were surveyed 
    • 191 responded (a return rate of 57.53%)  
      • 97.91% chose A; and 
      • 2.09% chose B.  

    This item generated a number of public comments, all of which were heard during the meeting by the Board.  It was agreed that this item had highlighted areas of tension and disagreement within the community, and this should be further taken into consideration and worked upon by all.   Board members acknowledged that they had unintentionally created concerns by requesting that this information be gathered in this way, and in the timeframe, and it was agreed that a taskforce to work on this subject for the future be created. After discussion and clarification from the board of trustees, Dr. Berman stated that all schools would remain on the previously announced schedule for the 2022-23 year (A).  Watch here.


    Draft Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Public Hearing
    Superintendent Berman noted that the draft LCAP had been presented to the Board at the May 25th meeting, and that it would be brought before the Board for final approval at the June 16th meeting.  A Public Hearing was opened, as required, and no public comment was received.  Watch here.

    Global Adoption of District Policies
    Superintendent Berman shared with the Board the process of a global adoption of the board policy manual, including the three-day workshop with California School Board Association (CSBA), and explained how future CSBA recommended updates to policies would be incorporated.  The Board discussed various aspects of the manual and agreed that specific review of Board Bylaws (9000 section) was of particular importance for them.  The Board agreed that this item should be returned for a second read at the June 16th meeting.  Watch here.

    Food Service Management Contract
    Assistant Superintendent Rollins outlined the steps taken so far to secure a food service contract from within Marin County, and explained the steps needed to obtain approval from the California Department of Education before requesting proposals from other vendors.   Dr. Rollins also shared the solicitation process and goals outlined in the RPF, including the specific nutrition requirements and environmentally sustainable practices.   Watch here.


    Budget Revision for Fiscal Year 2021-22, Preliminary Budget for 2022-23 and Public Hearing
    Assistant Superintendent Rollins presented budget revision for 2021-22 fiscal year and the preliminary budget for the 2022-23 year.  As required, there was a Public Hearing and no public comment was received.  The Board approved the budget revision for 2021-22.  The 2022-23 budget will be brought for final approval at the June 16th meeting.  Watch here.


    May 25, 2022

    • To view the full agenda here.

    Board Meeting Video Link 


    Mill Valley Middle School Students
    The Board and staff recognized three students from MVMS for their use of their Wayfinder skills in the classroom.   Counselors Erin Sheedy (6th grade), Janet Jamesson (7th grade) and Randi Josephson (8th grade) introduced students Claire Allen, Remi Sterling and Gigi Cannelora, who gave an overview of how the skills are helping them both in school and in life.  Students throughout the district are being equipped with Social Emotional Learning tools as part of the District's goal to support balanced learning in our schools.

    Picture of three students     Students, staff and board members




    • Dr. Berman honored the middle school student that recently passed away, and expressed gratitude to the staff for their work to help students through this.  
    • It was also reported that a new draft Board Policy manual is located on the District website for review by the public before it is brought to the Board for review on June 8th, 2022.  
    • Dr. Berman informed the Board that the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) will be administered in Mill Valley before the end of the school year.  CHKS is an anonymous, confidential survey of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency. It is administered to students at grades five, seven, nine, and eleven.




    Interdistrict Transfers - Revised Administrative Regulation (AR) 5117
    In collaboration with MVSD employees and in alignment with the District's Strategic Plan of Goal of Supported Staff to attract, develop, and retain excellent staff in a quality work environment, the Board approved the revisions to AR 5117.   This change will allow MVSD staff to apply for interdistrict transfers for their children to attend Mill Valley schools.


    Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) Presentation and Budget Update

    Title page LCAP
    Superintendent Berman and staff presented an update on progress toward LCAP goals and answered questions from the Board. The presentation included updates on:


    • Wellness Center
    • Targeted Learning Lab program
    • Student performance data
    • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) progress including work facilitated by Facing History
    • Math Learning Community
    • District Communications

    Assistant Superintendent Rollins followed with an in depth review of the budget development process and projections for the final budget which will be presented at the June 8th, 2022 meeting and will be brought for board approval at the June 16, 2022 meeting.  The full presentation can be seen here.

    Board Self-Evaluation
    The Board conducted a self-evaluation using a questionnaire developed by the California School Boards Association (CSBA).  For each survey question, the average score for the item was presented and the Board had the opportunity to discuss each item.  As set forth in the Board Handbook, the Board will then voted to accept the survey and its results, which can be seen here.


    The next regular meeting will be held on June 8th, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

    April 21, 2022

    • To view the full agenda here.


    Park Elementary StudentsPic of students and staff
    The Board and staff recognized four students from Park Elementary for their use of the Toolbox skills in the classroom. Counselor Jen Green introduced students Lucas Novotny, Liam Machler, Louise Bartlett and Kennedy Foster who demonstrated their "Using our Words" and "Courage" tools for the Trustees, Superintendent Berman, Park Principal Aubrey O'Connor, and the public in attendance.  Students throughout the district are being equipped with these tools to develop their social emotional learning.


    Mill Valley Day of the Employee
    Trustees approved a Resolution that designates May 24th, 2022 as the Day of the Mill Valley School District Employee, as a way of expressing thanks for the tireless dedication the Mill Valley staff give every day encouraging and challenging our youth.


    Kiddo! Day
    Trustees approved a Resolution that designates May 3rd, 2022 as Kiddo! Day in thanks for the 40 years of dedication the Foundation has given to the schools in Mill Valley by providing supplemental funding for the district's art, music, dance, poetry and drama instruction.


    Curriculum and Instruction
    Director of Curriculum & Instruction and Student Support Services Laura Myers gave a presentation which covered four topics: elementary instructional minutes, math updates, Universal Transitional Kindergarten (UTK) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

    Instructional Minutes

    Myers reported that an extensive review of elementary instructional minutes indicated our elementary schools currently have a range of actual instruction time which needed to be addressed.    We are happy to announce that the district elementary schools will begin a universal schedule starting in August 2022.    Start times will be 8:15 p.m. and school will end at 2:35 p.m., except on Early Release days which will end at 1:45 p.m.  Middle school will retain its current bell schedule of  8:35 a.m. - 3:05 p.m. on all days except Wednesday which will be an Early Release schedule of 2:00 p.m.

    Math, UTK & SEL

    • Myers reported on the recent strides being taken in elementary math throughout the district with guidance from current K-5 MVSD Math Consultant, Leo Kostelnik, who was the former Edna Maguire principal.   She also reported on professional development and mentoring, in the second grade classrooms, provided by Marilyn Burns and Lynn Zolli.  
    • UTK has been a high focus recently with some countrywide collaboration, planning, and resource sharing being utilized to ensure the rollout in 2022-23 is as successful as possible for our youngest students.  
    • Lastly, Myers reported on SEL projects including a district wellness center for the next school year.


    Interdistrict Transfers - Administrative Regulation 5117
    Superintendent Berman presented this item to the board for discussion at the March 10th meeting, and has subsequently collaborated with the unions to bring a mutually agreed upon document to the Trustees for a first reading and review. There were several public comments on this subject, all in favor of approval of the presented document, which would allow staff who live outside of the district to apply for a transfer for their children to attend our schools.  This item will be brought back for action at the May 25th meeting.

    The next meeting will take place on May 25th, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.


    March 10, 2022

    Purchase of Playground Equipment (Tam Valley & MVMS)
    In February, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety Julio Arroyogave a presentation about playground equipment.    Both Tam Valley and Middle School were graded at “red tier” on a safety scoring metric.   At the March 10th meeting, the Board approved the purchase of replacement playground equipment for these sites.  Installation of the new playgrounds will take place this summer.  

    Title Page - 2nd Interim

    Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Michele Rollins, Ed.D. presented the district's Second Interim Financial Report.  This included the Budget Revisions 2021-22, the Second Interim Standardized Account Code Structure (SACS) financial report and the Marin Common Message from MCOE.   


    The presentation showed any revenue changes, of which there have been few, aside from one-time COVID funds, and a local expenditure change, which was due to repairs needed following the storm.   In summary, the Second Interim does not have significant changes from the First Interim and the District certifies, based on the assumptions and projections, that it will meet its financial obligations for the current year and two subsequent fiscal years.  The Board approved the positive certification and the Second Interim report.   The next budget report will be at the June meeting.  Watch here.


    Interdistrict Transfers - Revisions to Administrative Regulation (AR) 5117
    Superintendent Berman presented this item to the board with the goal of discussing the possibility of opening the interdistrict transfer option to Mill Valley staff, thereby allowing children of staff to enroll with the district, regardless of residency.   Six members of staff were invited to give a review of their personal experience for this option, and public comment was received from one other member of staff.  Dr. Rollins gave a slide presentation to provide financial context for the decision. Superintendent Berman and the unions are currently working collaboratively on a revised AR, and hope to be able to bring a mutually agreed upon document to the next meeting (April 21st) for a first reading and discussion by the Board.  If this moves forward, there would be a second reading and potential approval at the meeting following (May).  Watch here.


    The next meeting will take place on April 21st, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

    February 10, 2022


    Recognition of Strawberry Point Students 
    The Board of Trustees recognized four Strawberry Point students for using their Toolbox skills to regulate Social Emotional wellness.  Counselors Molly Khan and Jen Ferrer introduced Teddy Nicols (K), Kiera Kissling (2nd), Ellora Nag (3rd) and Charlie Howe (5th) who shared their Quiet/Safe Place and Personal Space tools and demonstrated how they would use them.  They also talked about the “Cool Down Corners” in each classroom and explained how these specially designed areas helped students self regulate.   Dr. Berman also noted that February 7-11th, 2022 is National School Counselors week, and she and the Board thanked our counseling team for their work helping students achieve school success.

    Students  Students & staff  Students & staff

    Recognition of Mill Valley Council of Parent Teacher Associations
    The Board of Trustees expressed gratitude for the efforts of the Mill Valley Parent Teacher Associations and for all their efforts to support the learning and well-being of our students. In recognition of the contributions of the Mill Valley Council of PTAs since its founding 70 years ago, Superintendent Dr. Kimberly Berman and the Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees resolved that February 17, 2022, will be PTA Day throughout the Mill Valley School District. 

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Presentation
    Teacher On Special Assignment (TOSA) and Instructional Technology Coach Katie Fisher gave a presentation outlining some of the programs she is partnering with teachers to provide in classrooms.   The three main goals this year are teaching digital citizenship, introducing coding in grades 3-8, and creating a Makerspace model for all elementary students.  

    Resolution #12-21/22 Ordering an Election to Authorize the Issuance of General Obligation Bonds, Establishing Specifications of the Election Order, and Requesting Consolidation with Other Elections Occurring on June 7, 2022
    The District has important school facility improvement needs that have been identified by its recent facilities assessment and plan, and is now seeking voters’ approval of a $194m Bond measure on the June 7, 2022 election ballot.  The Board unanimously approved a Resolution that will allow the measure to be filed with the County Elections office, prior to the March 11, 2022 deadline, to appear on the ballot.  

    February 2, 2022

    Recording Meetings:
    The Board approved the staff recommendation that board meetings be video recorded, effective immediately.  You can expect to see board meeting highlights and video link in the Family newsletter after each meeting.
    Facility Master Plan:
    Mill Valley School District has, in collaboration with consulting experts, developed a Facility Master Plan that will guide the projected improvement of district facilities for the next ten years.   Consultants presented the FMP and answered questions from the public and the Board.   The Board discussed the function of the FMP, general project options, potential costs relating to climate change, and the FMP’s connection to a potential bond authorization. Following the discussion, the Board voted to approve the FMP.  

    January 13, 2022

    To view the full agenda and presentations that are not highlighted here, please visit  Agenda Online.

    Student Recognition:
    The Board of Trustees recognized two Tam Valley students for using their Toolbox practices to regulate Social Emotional wellness.  Counselor Jason Mountsier introduced students, Elise Allen and Taj Van Horne, who shared their techniques and demonstrated to the Board and staff members how to use the listening and apology/forgiveness tools.

    Board, Staff & Students  Two Students

    Board Recognition:
    Dr. Berman expressed gratitude to the Board, and acknowledged Vice President Emily Uhlhorn for her dedication as MVSD Board President in 2021, as well as for her many other volunteer positions within the school district and community at large.

    • Audit Report:  Habbas Nassar, CPA, of Stephen Roatch Accountancy Corporation presented the independent audit report ending June 30, 2021. This item was approved as presented.
    • Mill Valley’s Housing Element Report:  Kendall Flint, on behalf of the City of Mill Valley, presented on Mill Valley's Housing Element, a report which outlines the challenge in finding the number of affordable housing units required by the State.  Members of the public are invited to participate in developing a plan for housing alternatives within Mill Valley.  You can find more information here.
    • Bond Polling Results:  EMC Research shared polling results completed in December which indicated that there seemed to be enough support for a bond to pass at the 55% margin required. Emily Uhlhorn and Elli Abdoli were selected to assist staff in preparing a resolution and developing messaging.  Dr. Berman introduced Jessica Newman, a MVSD parent who has volunteered to Chair the campaign.
    • School Accountability Report Cards (SARC):  The Board approved the 2020-21 SARCs which will now be submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) before the February 1st deadline.  The SARCs can be found on our website and paper copies are available from the District Office upon request. 

    December 13, 2021
    To view attachments related to the presentations summarized below, and those not highlighted, please view the board meeting agenda.

    During the Annual Organizational meeting, Trustees elected their 2022 officials. Todd May was elected as President and Emily Uhlhorn as Vice-President. Michele Crncich-Hodge was appointed as MVSD Representative for the Marin County School Boards Association.  The Board also assigned their roles as school site representatives and other committee positions which can be seen here.  


    Students, Board and Staff with certificates

    • The Board of Trustees recognized four Old Mill students for using their Toolbox practices to regulate Social Emotional wellness.  Counselor, Meredith Mishel introduced students, Cooper Howson (K), Lydia Shemyakin (1st), Mira Wulfstat (1st) and Rio Jennings (K). The students demonstrated for the Board their techniques and eloquently described how they had each used these tools.  The Toolbox skills connect to our LCAP and Strategic Plan Goals that each student receives instruction and support that ensures high levels of personal and academic growth.
    • Public Comment: Middle School 8th grader, Zoe Pletcher shared her support and interest in the district pursuing a wellness center at MVMS.  Acting Principal, Ms. Reyherme will be working with her counseling team, staff, and students, to gather recommendations on the best way to move forward.   This item will be reported on at a meeting in Spring next year.
    • Superintendent’s Report:  Dr. Berman reported on the latest COVID notifications and recommendations, the change to the 2021-22 school calendar, vaccination clinics and plans for Universal Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten.  Registration information will be published in mid January. 
    • 2021-22 Budget Revision & First Interim Financial Reports:   Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michele Rollins summarized the main points of the overall budget for the Board, including revenues and expenses, and the revisions due to state and federal one-time COVID funds. Dr. Rollins answered questions on the future impacts that Universal TK and an expanded lunch program will have on the budget.  The Board approved the budget revision and positive certification of the first interim which will now be submitted to the County Office of Education for review.


    November 4, 2021

    To view attachments related to the presentations summarized below, and those not highlighted, please view the board meeting agenda.

    The Board, Superintendent, MVTA, CSEA and a member of the teaching staff all thanked Julio Arroyo and his team for all their hard work getting our facilities open and repaired for students after the recent storm.  Other highlights were: 

    • G.9. Student/Teacher Calendars 2022-23 & 2023-24: The Board approved the student and staff calendars for 2022-23 and 2023-24.  In preparation for calendar development, the District conducted a survey on the school schedule during elementary parent-teacher conferences, which for many years has been two weeks of early dismissal (five hours of school per day) in November. Over 500 people responded to the survey, with a large majority responding that the current schedule was challenging for them due to child care and other concerns. Based on suggestions from the survey, and in collaboration with the teachers’ union, the school schedule for elementary schools during conferences in 2022-23 and 2023-24 will be one week of minimum days (four hours of school per day).  In addition, where possible school start and end dates and recesses for both school years have been aligned with the Tam Union High School district schedule.
    • H.1. Educator Effectiveness Funds Local Plan: Laura Myers, Director of Curriculum and Instructions & Student Support Services, reviewed and provided an explanation of the 2021-26 Educator Effectiveness Funding Plan.  This item will be brought back to the Board for approval at the December meeting.
    • H.2. Substitute Teacher Pay Schedule Increase Effective December 1, 2021: The Board approved the staff recommendation to amend the pay schedule for substitutes, effective as of December 1, 2021.  This action was to ensure that MVSD remains consistent and competitive with other Marin County school districts.
    • H.4.  Board Meeting Schedule for 2022: The board agreed that all 2022 Board meetings will be scheduled for 4:30 p.m. The board adopted the recommended Board meeting dates with elimination of the May 12th meeting.

    October 20, 2021 - Special Board Workshop

    On October 20th, the Board met for a Special Board Workshop which highlighted some of the many aspects of Facility Master Planning.    

    • C.1 - Bonding Capacity:  Greg Isom of Isom Advisors presented the Board with information regarding the possibility of a school improvement bond measure for the District. Mr. Isom provided information regarding the District's bond and assessed value history along with potential timelines as it relates to exploring feasibility of bond measures in the future.  The presentation can be viewed here.
    • C.2 - Polling Strategies and Proposal:  Charles Health of TBWBH Strategies outlined for the board the scope of work TBWBH would provide to the District should services be required.  These services include polling of the community to gauge reaction to a potential bond initiative, reporting and guidance on public outreach and campaign strategies, and subsequent polling as any campaign is conducted.  The Board discussed and Mr. Heath answered questions before the Board voted 5-0 to approve an initial contract with TBWBH Strategies to canvas the community. A informational mailer will be sent in the upcoming week. 
    • C.3. - Marin Clean Energy:  MCE gave a presentation of renewable power programs, specifically their “Deep Green” program, explained how renewable power works, the environmental benefits, and the cost to the end user as a potential alternative to in-house solar panels or other alternative physical elements.  The board will consider taking action to approve this new program at the November 4th meeting. 
    • C.4. - Facility Master Planning:  PBK-WLC staff presented to the board their report on work with the district stakeholders to-date regarding future facility planning.  Staff covered topics from recently completed tasks, facility assessments, demographic information, funding eligibility, stakeholder engagement, a facilities dashboard and next steps.  We appreciate the input of our students, parents, and staff over the past several weeks. We will share more information on specific projects and plans in the coming months. 

    October 7, 2021

    To view attachments related to the presentations summarized below, and those not highlighted, please view the board meeting agenda.

    • C.1. - Targeted Instruction 2021-2022
      Staff gave a presentation about targeted instruction models aligned to LCAP goals marin (Goal 1, Action 3; Goal 2, Actions 2 and 3) and also aligning to the actions of the Extended Learning Opportunities plan actions.  To see the full presentation, click here. 
    • I.1. - California School Dashboard Local Indicators
      The California School Dashboard provides state-level data related to student academic achievement, English Learner progress, and suspension and chronic absenteeism. Additional information related to six local indicators is provided directly from school districts. These local indicators are tied to the State priorities.  A requirement of the Dashboard is for the local indicators to be brought to the local governing School Board each Fall. The local indicators that will submitted to the Dashboard by October 15, 2021 can be seen here.   More discussion about the Dashboard will be shared during our LCAP stakeholder engagement work.
    • J.1. - Public Participation for Board Meetings
      The board discussed public participation for board meetings after Staff recommended holding in-person meetings and allowing public participation for meetings both in person and through streaming.  The Board also discussed monitoring the level of use of the streaming services.

    September 13, 2021

    The Board of Education and staff recognized four students for using Toolbox practices to regulate Social Emotional wellness.  These practices connect to our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Strategic Plan Goal that each student receives equitable, articulated, relevant, standards-based instruction and support that ensures high levels of personal and academic growth.  The students and school counselor, Jen Ferrer, demonstrated their Toolkit skills and practiced them with the Board and staff.  

       Board of Trustees                Students & Teacher               

    The students recognized were:

    • Asher Kim (2nd Grade)
    • Avery Lawrence (1st Grade)
    • Cleo Tomnay (5th Grade)
    • Vinny Abbenante (5th Grade)

    J.1 Maintenance, Operations and Safety: Summer 2021 Progress

    Julio Arroyo, Director of Maintenance, Operations and Safety presented a districtwide summer project progress report.            

    The Board thanked Julio and his team for their dedication and hard work ensuring the safety of our students and staff.

    K.1. Unaudited Actuals Financial Reporting 2020-2021

    Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michele Rollins presented the 2021-22 Unaudited Actuals.  This is an annual reporting which reflects the financial activities of the Mill Valley School District in which the data are not yet audited.  The 2020-21 Unaudited Actuals were approved by the Board and will now be submitted to the Marin County Office of Education.   The independent audit report will be available on December 15, 2021.  The full presentation is available here.

    Board meeting dates and agendas


    2020-21 School Year

    June 9, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    May 26, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Study Session Highlights

    May 13, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    April 15, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    March 11, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    February 11, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    January 14, 2021 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    January 13, 2021 Remote Special Board Meeting Highlights

    January 6, 2021 Remote Special Board Meeting Highlights

    December 14, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    November 12, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights (combined with MVSD Newsletter)

    October 8, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights (combined with MVSD Newsletter)

    September 14, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights (combined with MVSD newsletter)

    August 13, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    2019-20 School Year

     June 17, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    June 10, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights

    May 27, 2020 Board Meeting Study Session Highlights

    May 14, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights (combined with District Newsletter)

    April 2, 2020 Remote Board Meeting Highlights


    march board meeting highlights photo with students who were recognized by the board

    March 12, 2020 Board Meeting Highlights


    students being recognized by the board of trustees

    February 13, 2020 Board Workshop and Board Meeting Highlights 


    8th grade students recognized at the board meeting


    January 23, 2020 Board Meeting Highlights


    6th grade student recognition

    December 16, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights (combined with MVSD newsletter)


    Photo of 7th Grade Student Recognition with text saying Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees

    November 14, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights


    Tam Valley student learner profile recognition

    October 3, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights


    an iPad with a board agenda and text saying Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees

    September 9, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights

    2018-19 School Year

    raquel rose and wendy holmes presenting to the board of trustees

    June 12 and 20, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights

    board of trustees

    May 30, 2019 Board Meeting Study Session Highlights

    Golden Bell recipients

    May 9, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights

    4th grade student recognition at April board meeting

    April 4, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights

    8th grade students recognized by school board

    March 14, 2019 Board Meeting Highlights

    School Board trustees

    February 28, 2019 Special Board Meeting Highlights

    February Board Meeting Highlights

    February 2019 Board Meeting Highlights

    January Board Meeting Highlights

    January 2019 Board Meeting Highlights