Discussing Sensitive Incidents and Ensuring Child Safety

  • Dear Mill Valley Families;


    Following on from our communications earlier today regarding the arrest of Mr. Smith, we have put together some constructive guidance for parents and guardians as we navigate the coming conversations with children, and the reactions these conversations may evoke.  


    Mr. Smith taught primarily at Strawberry Point, but also instructed the 5th grade band across our other four elementary schools, and the TK at Park. We will soon communicate separately with these families about plans for his classes for the rest of the school year.


    Please understand that due to the sensitive nature of the allegations, and the ongoing administrative and criminal investigations, our staff at Mill Valley District will not discuss these matters directly with students.  However, we have provided guidance for parents and caregivers on our our website to assist in having conversations about this situation, or other sensitive topics. This page also contains links to counseling services and additional resources.  We have also developed a Frequently Asked Questions page that will be regularly updated as new questions arise.


    We also invite you to attend one of two scheduled parent support meetings designed to help our community cope with the recent events. These sessions will be held on Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., and Monday, May 6, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 p.m., in the Mill Valley Middle School Library. Both meetings will also be accessible via Zoom. 


    The meetings aim to provide an overview of our district's personnel administration processes and offer a platform for parents to meet with Michael Grogan and Kathy Laughlin, experts in child forensic interviewing. They will offer advice on discussing topics such as appropriate touch and answer any questions you may have about addressing this situation with your children.


    As superintendent, I am as committed to the safety of our students as I am to my own children. I am deeply troubled by these allegations and am committed to ensuring our schools remain safe environments.   We will continue to work with the Marin County Sheriff to support our community on this.



    Elizabeth Kaufman, Superintendent