- Mill Valley School District
- Parent Annual Notification Documents
District-Wide Annual Parent Notices
First-day notices for the 2023-24 School Year.
Mill Valley School District is legally required to provide you with the information listed below. This information will be sent to all parents via ParentSquare at the beginning of the school year.
Annual Notice to Parents 2023-24
Pesticide Notification
The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires that all schools provide parents or guardians of students with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites during the year. The District makes every attempt to resolve pest and weed issues without the use of pesticides and herbicides. For details and to request notifications of pesticide use, please click here.
School Lunch Program
You can find up-to-date information about the MVSD Lunch Program here.
Meal applications help boost school funding!- All students enrolled in the District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no charge to your household.
- For more information about the California Universal Meals Program Eligibility Program, please read this letter.
- The completion of a MVSD National School Lunch and Breakfast program meal application may bring significant additional funds to the school site, as well as qualify students for individual benefits. Please download, complete the form and submit to your school site office.
Authorization for Medication Administration
Any pupil who is required to take medication during regular school must have a written statement from a physician detailing the medication to be taken. Medication is to be in the original container, labeled with the student's name, name of prescribing physician, name of medication and instructions. Medications will be stored in the school safe and dispensed by school personnel.
Over the counter medication must be in the original container and authorized by the parent and physician. Students are not permitted to carry medication, over the counter or prescription, without a current authorization form on file. It is the parent's responsibility to update the Medication Authorization Form annually and return it directly to your school site office.
Type 1 Diabetes Information
Type 1 diabetes in children is a preventable and treatable disease, and the guidance provided in this information sheet is intended to raise awareness about this disease. Contact your student's school nurse, school administrator, or health care provider if you have questions.
Student Accident Insurance
The Mill Valley School District is helping to make accident insurance available for your children. This program provides benefits for accidental death and dismemberment along with accident, medical and dental expenses. As the school district does not carry any form of insurance to protect your children, it is especially important that you consider this offer if your child does not currently have coverage.
School Safety: The California Legislature has found and declared the following:
Firearms are the third leading cause of death of children in America. Every day, eight children and teens are shot in instances of family fire, which is a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death.
Data shows that 75 percent of school shootings are facilitated by children having access to unsecured or unsupervised firearms at home. Eighty-seven percent of children know where their parents’ firearms are stored and 60 percent report that they have handled them.
Over 80 percent of teens who have died by suicide used a firearm that belonged to someone in their home.
Data suggest that 93 percent of school shooters planned their attacks in advance and exhibited concerning behavior and communications.
Assembly Bill (AB) 452 Pupil safety: parental notification, firearm safety laws.
Section 48986 is added to the Education Code requiring that beginning on July 1, 2023, all kindergarten through grade twelve school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and charter schools shall annually inform parents and guardians of California’s child access prevention laws and laws relating to the safe storage of firearms at the beginning of the first semester or quarter of the regular school term. You can find AB 452 on the California Legislative Information web page at https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB452.
Senate Bill (SB) 906 School safety: homicide threats.
Sections 49390 through 49395 are added to the EC. This bill seeks to address homicidal threats in middle and high schools and applies only to local educational agencies that serve pupils in any grades from 6-12 as part of a middle school or high school. LEAs serving these pupils must include information about child access prevention laws and laws relating to the safe storage of firearms in the annual notifications to parents/guardians at the beginning of the first semester or quarter of the regular school term. The law states that school officials are required to report homicidal threats or perceived threats, as defined, to law enforcement who must conduct an immediate investigation and threat assessment, as defined. You can find SB 906 on the California Legislative Information web page at https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB906.
With very limited exceptions, California makes a person criminally liable for keeping any firearm, loaded or unloaded, within any premises that are under their custody and control where that person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, and the child obtains access to the firearm and thereby (1) causes death or injury to the child or any other person; (2) carries the firearm off the premises or to a public place, including to any preschool or school grades kindergarten through twelfth grade, or to any school-sponsored event, activity, or performance; or (3) unlawfully brandishes the firearm to others.1
○ Note: The criminal penalty may be significantly greater if someone dies or suffers great bodily injury as a result of the child gaining access to the firearm. With very limited exceptions, California also makes it a crime for a person to negligently store or leave any firearm, loaded or unloaded, on their premises in a location where the person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to it without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, unless reasonable action is taken to secure the firearm against access by the child, even where a minor never actually accesses the firearm.
In addition to potential fines and terms of imprisonment, as of January 1, 2020, a gun owner found criminally liable under these California laws faces prohibitions from possessing, controlling, owning, receiving, or purchasing a firearm for 10 years.3
Finally, a parent or guardian may also be civilly liable for damages resulting from the discharge of a firearm by that person’s child or ward.
Thank you for helping to keep our children and schools safe. Remember that the easiest and safest way to comply with the law is to keep firearms in a locked container or secured with a locking device that renders the firearm inoperable.