• Mill Valley Middle School

    Student Council Election Information and Timeline

    Role of Student Council Officers


    President/Activities Chairperson

    The President shall be an 8th grader and shall preside at all Student Council meetings and be the representative of the student body in the community; shall act as the leader with all student council activities; be responsible for the organization and planning of all spirit days and related activities; attend School Board meetings when necessary; attend representative meetings; and work closely with the Student Council FacultyAdvisors and Coordinator planning events and making decisions.

    Vice President/Publicity Chairperson

    The Vice President shall be an 8th grader and carry on the duties of the President or any officer in his/ her absence; work closely with the President and the Student Council Faculty Advisor and Coordinator, planning events and making decisions; attend School Board meetings when necessary; attend all Representative meetings; be responsible for advertising Student Council sponsored functions by writing bulletin and P/A announcements; make posters, update the Student Council website; post information on the school bulletin boards; and support all Student Council sponsored activities.

    Middle School DJ

    The DJ shall be an 8th grader and responsible for providing music on Fridays at lunch. Responsibilities also include maintaining a suggestion box for songs, previewing music for bad language and inappropriate content, and representing all different tastes in music.


    The secretary shall be a 7th or 8th grader and shall keep an accurate account of the meetings of Student Council; shall organize all correspondence of the Student Council; and support all Student Council-sponsored activities. Responsible for creating and maintaining the Student Council website.


    The Treasurer shall be a 7th or 8th grader and shall attend to all money-making activities of the Student Council; record all banking activities with the school’s Financial Secretary weekly; give financial reports at each meeting if necessary; and support all Student Council-sponsored activities.


    Will be a 7th or 8th grader; responsible for photographing all school events supported by Student Council; work closely with secretary to update Student Council website; work with Vice President to advertise Student Council events; will attend all student Council meetings.


    The mascot shall be a 6th, 7th or 8thgrader and willing to wear the school mascot Panther costume while attending some after school home sports games. In addition, they will also dress up for any school activities and spirit days. They are required to attend all student council meetings.

    6th, 7th& 8th Grade Senator

    There will be two Senators elected on each grade level team, for a total of six, who must attend all Student Council meetings; help support their team; help plan and make decisions for all Student Council functions; plan spirit days; survey students about music interests, activities and school facility; support all Student Council sponsored activities.


    Qualifications for Office

    Any currently enrolled student may run for office. 8th graders will hold the offices of President, Vice President, and DJ. All candidates must obtain at least one recommendation from a current teacher. Candidates for office must have their grades verified by the counselors, and conduct verified by the administrators. They must adhere to the campaign rules, which include no distribution of candy, buttons, flyers or anything that may be perceived as a bribe. They must maintain at least a “C” (2.0) average in all classes from the previous trimester, with no “F’s.”  Students may have no suspensions during the previous trimester that result in a police report or citation and an acceptable behavior record during the previous trimester (including the previous year).

    Removal from Office

    A member of the Student Council will be removed from office for missing four unexcused meetings, for getting lower than a “C” average after the first trimester, or for being disruptive in meetings. It will take a 2/3 vote of the Student Council members to impeach.


    The Staff Advisors for the 2024-25 Student Council are Ms. Sheedy and Ms. Josephson.